◄ Prescription ►

1. (n.) A direction from an authority; a precept\; also, that which is prescribed.

2. (n.) A direction of a remedy or of remedies for a disease, and the manner of using them; a medical recipe; also, a prescribed remedy.

3. (n.) A prescribing for title; the claim of title to a thing by virtue immemorial use and enjoyment; the right or title acquired by possession had during the time and in the manner fixed by law.

Procrustean law act adverse possession aid alodium alterative analeptic appurtenance assistance authority balm balsam bill birthright bon ton boundary bounds burgage bylaw canon charge claim code colony command commission confinement conformity conjugal right consuetude continence convention corrective criterion cure custom de facto de jure decree decretum demand dependency derivative title dictate dictation direction directive discipline divine right droit drug due edict enactment established way etiquette faculty fashion fee fief fee position fee simple fee simple absolute fee simple conditional fee simple defeasible fee simple determinable fee tail feodum feud fiefdom folkway form formality formula formulary frankalmoign free socage freehold gavelkind general orders guideline having title to healing agent healing quality help hold holding inalienable right injunction institute institution instruction interest jus knight service law law of nature lay fee lease leasehold legal claim legal possession legislation lex limit limitation mandate manner manners maxim measure medicament medication medicine moderation mores natural right norm norma observance occupancy occupation order order of nature ordinance ordonnance original title owning possessing possession power practice praxis precept preoccupancy preoccupation preparation prepossession prerogative prescribed form prescript presumptive right pretense pretension principle proper claim proper thing property property right property rights proprietary rights proscription qualification receipt recipe regulation relief remedial measure remedy restorative restrain restriction right ritual rubric rule ruling seisin set form socage social convention sovereign remedy specific specific remedy squatting standard standard behavior standard usage standing custom standing order statute sublease succor teaching tenancy tenantry tenure tenure in chivalry time-honored practice title tradition underlease undertenancy universal law usage use usucapion vested interest vested right villein socage villeinhold villenage way what is done wont wonting


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