◄ Preponderate ►

1. (v. t.) To outweigh; to overpower by weight; to exceed in weight, number or influence\; to overbalance.

2. (v. t.) To overpower by stronger or moral power.

3. (v. t.) To cause to prefer; to incline; to decide.

4. (v. i.) To exceed in weight; hence, to incline or descend, as the scale of a balance; figuratively, to exceed in influence, power, etc.; hence; to incline to one side; as, the affirmative side preponderated.

best bestride better cap dictate dominate domineer exceed excel go one better have the ascendancy improve on master outweigh overbalance overbear overcome overpass overtop perfect play first fiddle predominate prevail reign rule the roost surpass take the lead top tower above tower over transcend trump twist wear the pants


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