Dictionary 1. ( n.) A reward or recompense; a prize to be won by being before another, or others, in a competition; reward or prize to be adjudged; a bounty; as, a premium for good behavior or scholarship, for discoveries, etc. 2. (n.) Something offered or given for the loan of money; bonus; -- sometimes synonymous with interest, but generally signifying a sum in addition to the capital. 3. (n.) A sum of money paid to underwriters for insurance, or for undertaking to indemnify for losses of any kind. 4. (n.) A sum in advance of, or in addition to, the nominal or par value of anything; as, gold was at a premium; he sold his stock at a premium.
Thesaurus Trinkgeld abatement agio allowance appreciation at a premium award bait bank discount bank rate bonus bonus system bounty breakage bribe carrot cash discount chain discount charge-off come-on compensatory interest compound interest concession consideration costly cut dear dear-bought decoration deduction depreciation discount discount rate dividend donative double time drawback exceptional exorbitant interest expensive extra extra added attraction extra dash fancy fee filigree filling fillip flourish freebie frill fringe benefit goad gratuity gravy grease gross interest guerdon high high-priced honorarium importance in short supply incentive incentive pay incitement inducement interest interest rate kickback lagniappe largess liberality lucrative interest lure luxurious meed mortgage points net interest not affordable of great cost ornament overtime pay padding palm oil penal interest penalty penalty clause percentage perks perquisite perquisites plum pourboire price price of money price reduction price-cut pricey prize rare rate rate of interest rebate rebatement reduction refund regard reward rich rollback salvage salve scant scanty scarce setoff simple interest solatium something extra sparse sportula spur steep stiff stimulus stock store stuffing sumptuous superaddition sweetener tare time discount tip top trade discount tret trimming twist underselling unpayable usury value wrinkle write-off |