1. (v. t.) To put or fix at the beginning of; as, to prefix a syllable to a word, or a condition to an agreement.

2. (v. t.) To set or appoint beforehand; to settle or establish antecedently.

3. (n.) That which is prefixed; esp., one or more letters or syllables combined or united with the beginning of a word to modify its signification; as, pre- in prefix, con- in conjure.

IC analysis accidence add adjoin affix affixation agglutinate allomorph allonge annex anteriority append appendix attach avant-propos bold front bound morpheme brave face brave front breakthrough burden coda codicil commentary complicate conjoin conjugation cutting declension decorate derivation difference of form display enclitic encumber envoi epilogue exordium facade face facet facia fore forefront foreground forehand foreland forepart forequarter foreside foreword formative free form front front elevation front man front matter front page front view frontage frontal frontier frontispiece glue on head heading hitch on immediate constituent analysis infix infixation inflection innovation interlineation interpolation introduce introduction join with lap leap marginalia morph morpheme morphemic analysis morphemics morphology morphophonemics note obverse ornament overture paradigm paste on plus postfix postscript postulate preamble preface prefixation prefixture preliminary prelude premise presupposition priority proclitic proem prolegomena prolegomenon prolepsis prologize prologue proscenium protasis put with radical rider root saddle with scholia slap on stem subjoin suffix suffixation superadd superpose tack on tag tag on tail theme unite with verse voluntary window dressing word-formation


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