Dictionary 1. (v. t.) To go before in order of time; to occur first\ with relation to anything.2. (v. t.) To go before in place, rank, or importance. 3. (v. t.) To cause to be preceded; to preface; to introduce; -- used with by or with before the instrumental object. Thesaurus announce antecede antedate anticipate be before be early be the bellwether beacon blaze the trail break ground break the ice break the trail come before come first create forerun foreshadow front get ahead of get before go ahead of go before go in advance guide harbinger have priority have the start head head the line head the table head up herald initiate introduce invent kick off lap lead lead off lead the dance lead the way light the way originate outrank outstrip pace pioneer play first fiddle precurse predate preexist presage proclaim rank rank first rank out rate set the pace spearhead stand first star take precedence take the initiative take the lead take the plunge usher usher in |