Dictionary 1. ( n.) A wooden flat-bottomed boat, a metallic cylinder, or a frame covered with canvas, India rubber, etc., forming a portable float, used in building bridges quickly for the passage of troops. 2. (n.) A low, flat vessel, resembling a barge, furnished with cranes, capstans, and other machinery, used in careening ships, raising weights, drawing piles, etc., chiefly in the Mediterranean; a lighter.
Thesaurus adjustable propeller afterburner aileron air controls air scoop aircraft airlift airplane airscrew astrodome avion balloon bay be airborne beaching gear blister body bomb bay bonnet bow brace wire bubble bubble canopy bubble hood bucket seat cabin canopy cat strip chassis chin coaxial propellers cockpit coke-bottle fuselage control surface control wires cowl crew compartment cruise deck dihedral dorsal airdome drift dual controls ejection seat ejector elevator elevon ferry fin finger patch flap flit float fly flying machine fuel injector fuselage gas-shaft hood glide gore gull wing gun mount hatch heavier-than-air craft hood hop hover hydroplane instruments jackstay jet jet pipe keel kite laminar-flow system landing gear launching gear launching tube leading edge longeron nacelle navigate nose pants parasol wing plane pod pontoon prop propeller rudder rudder bar sail sailplane seaplane ship ski landing gear slitwing soar spinner spoiler spray strip stabilizator stabilizer stay stick stick control stressed skin strut tail tail plane tail skid take the air take wing truss turret undercarriage volplane wheel parts wing wing radiator |