Dictionary ( n.) A very large American moth (Telea polyphemus) belonging to the Silkworm family (Bombycidae). Its larva, which is very large, bright green, with silvery tubercles, and with oblique white stripes on the sides, feeds on the oak, chestnut, willow, cherry, apple, and other trees. It produces a large amount of strong silk. Called also American silkworm. Thesaurus Antaeus Asp Asroc Atlas-Agena Atlas-Centaur Briareus Brobdingnagian Bullpup Cajun Charles Atlas Corporal Corvus Crossbow Cyclops Dart Deacon Delta Diamant Dove Falcon Firebee Gargantua Genie Goliath Hawk Hercules Holy Moses Hound Dog Jupiter Lacrosse Lark Loki Loon Mace Matador Navaho Nike Nike Ajax Orion Pershing Petrel Polaris Polyphemus Poseidon Quail Ram Rascal Redeye Redstone Regulus I SLAM Samson Saturn Scout Sentinel Sergeant Shillelagh Sidewinder Skybolt Snark Spaerobee Sparrow Subroc Super Talos Superman Talos Tartar Tarzan Telamon Terrier Thor Thor Able Star Thor-Agena Thor-Delta Tiny Tim Titan V-2 Viking WAC-Corporal Wagtail Zuni bully bullyboy colossus giant gorilla muscle man powerhouse stalwart strong man strong-arm man the mighty the strong tough tough guy tower of strength |