◄ Politician ►

1. (n.) One versed or experienced in the science of government; one devoted to politics; a statesman.

2. (n.) One primarily devoted to his own advancement in public office, or to the success of a political party; -- used in a depreciatory sense; one addicted or attached to politics as managed by parties (see Politics, 2); a schemer; an intriguer; as, a mere politician.

3. (a.) Cunning; using artifice; politic; artful.

Admirable Crichton MP Machiavel Machiavellian Machiavellianist Member of Parliament adept administrator artisan artist attache authority bureaucrat civil servant congressman congresswoman connaisseur connoisseur consultant cordon bleu crack shot craftsman dead shot diplomat diplomatist elder statesman experienced hand expert expert consultant graduate handy man influence peddler journeyman lawmaker legislator machine politician marksman minister no slouch office-bearer official political hack political realist power broker pro professional professor proficient public servant representative savant selectman senator shark sharp statesman stateswoman technical adviser technician


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