1. (n.) A metrical composition; a composition in verse written in certain measures, whether in blank verse or in rhyme, and characterized by imagination and poetic diction; -- contradistinguished from prose; as, the poems of Homer or of Milton.

2. (n.) A composition, not in verse, of which the language is highly imaginative or impassioned; as, a prose poem; the poems of Ossian.

English sonnet Horatian ode Italian sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Pindaric ode Sapphic ode Shakespearean sonnet alba anacreontic article autograph balada ballad ballade brainchild bucolic canso chanson clerihew composition computer printout copy dirge dithyramb ditty document draft eclogue edited version elegy engrossment epic epigram epithalamium epode epopee epopoeia epos essay eyeful fair copy fiction final draft finished version first draft flimsy georgic ghazel haiku holograph idyll jingle letter limerick literae scriptae literary artefact literary production literature lucubration lyric madrigal manuscript matter monody narrative poem nonfiction nursery rhyme ode opus original palinode paper parchment pastoral pastoral elegy pastorela pastourelle penscript picture piece piece of writing play poesy poetry printed matter printout production prothalamium reading matter recension rhapsody rhyme rondeau rondel roundel roundelay rune satire screed scrip script scrive scroll second draft sestina sloka song sonnet sonnet sequence tanka tenso tenzone the written word thing of beauty threnody transcript transcription triolet troubadour poem typescript verse verselet versicle version villanelle virelay vision work writing


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