1. (v. & n.) To cook, as eggs, by breaking them into boiling water; also, to cook with butter after breaking in a vessel.

2. (v. & n.) To rob of game; to pocket and convey away by stealth, as game; hence, to plunder.

3. (v. i.) To steal or pocket game, or to carry it away privately, as in a bag; to kill or destroy game contrary to law, especially by night; to hunt or fish unlawfully; as, to poach for rabbits or for salmon.

4. (v. t.) To stab; to pierce; to spear, as fish.

5. (v. t.) To force, drive, or plunge into anything.

6. (v. t.) To make soft or muddy by trampling

7. (v. t.) To begin and not complete.

8. (v. i.) To become soft or muddy.

abstract and annex appropriate bag bake barbecue baste blanch boil boost borrow braise brew broil brown coddle cook cop crib curry defraud devil do do to perfection embezzle extort filch fire fricassee frizz frizzle fry griddle grill heat hook lift make off with nip oven-bake palm pan pan-broil parboil pilfer pinch prepare prepare food purloin roast run away with rustle saute scallop scrounge sear shirr shoplift simmer snare snatch snitch steal steam stew stir-fry swindle swipe take thieve toast walk off with


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