1. (v.) imp. & p. p. of to pledge.

2. (v.) imp. & p. p. of Pluck.

3. (v. t.) To weave; to braid; to fold; to plait.

4. (n.) A network; a plait; a fold; rarely a garment.

5. (n.) That which is exposed to risk; that which is plighted or pledged; security; a gage; a pledge.

6. (n.) Condition; state; -- risk, or exposure to danger, often being implied; as, a luckless plight.

7. (n.) To pledge; to give as a pledge for the performance of some act; as, to plight faith, honor, word; -- never applied to property or goods.

8. (n.) To promise; to engage; to betroth.

adverse circumstances adversity affiance affliction aggravation annoyance assurance assure avouch avouchment baffle bafflement bearings become engaged betroth bewilderment bind blight bother box breakers ahead bummer cardhouse care case catch-22 cause for alarm circumstance circumstances clutch complication condition confoundment confusion contract contract an engagement corner countersign covenant crisis cross crunch curse danger dangerous ground difficulties difficulty dilemma discomposure disconcert disconcertedness disconcertion disconcertment disturbance downer embarrassing position embarrassment emergency endangerment engage engagement enigma estate extremity faith fine how-do-you-do fix footing gaping chasm gathering clouds guarantee hard knocks hard life hard lot hardcase hardship hazard hell to pay hobble hole hot water house of cards how-do-you-do imbroglio imperilment irritation jam jeopardy location lot make a promise menace mess mix modality mode morass mystery nonplus oath parlous straits parole pass peril perplexity perturbation pickle pinch place pledge position posture pother predicament pressure pretty pass pretty pickle pretty predicament problem promise publish the banns puzzle puzzlement quagmire quandary quicksand rank riddle rigor risk rocks ahead scrape sea of troubles situation slough solemn declaration spot squeeze standing state station status stew sticky wicket storm clouds strait straits stress stress of life swamp swear thin ice threat tight spot tight squeeze tightrope trial tribulation tricky spot troth trouble troubles unassuredness underwrite unholy mess upset vale of tears vicissitude vouch vow warrant warranty word word of honor


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