1. (n.) A contagious disease of fowls, characterized by hoarseness, discharge from the nostrils and eyes, and an accumulation of mucus in the mouth, forming a scale on the tongue. By some the term pip is restricted to this last symptom, the disease being called roup by them.

2. (n.) A seed, as of an apple or orange.

3. (n.) One of the conventional figures or spots on playing cards, dominoes, etc.

4. (v. i.) To cry or chirp, as a chicken; to peep.

CRT spot DM display Doppler signal Hershey bar IF signal IM display RF echoes Texas fever abnormality ace acorn acute disease affection affliction ailment allergic disease allergy anthrax aphthous fever atrophy aviation badge bacterial disease badge bar beam beat signal beaut berry best bighead bird seed birth defect black quarter blackleg blackwater blight blind staggers blips bloody flux bounces broken wind cackle call cardiovascular disease carol cash in cattle plague caw charbon chatter check out cheep chevron chicken chirk chirp chirr chirrup chitter chronic disease chuck circulatory disease clack cluck cock-a-doodle-doo complaint complication condition congenital defect conk coo corker crackerjack croak cronk crow cuckoo daisy dandy darb defect deficiency disease deformity degenerative disease depart die dilly disability disease disorder display distemper double-dot display down dream drop drum eagle echo echo signal endemic endemic disease endocrine disease epaulet epidemic disease flaxseed foot-and-mouth disease fruit functional disease fungus disease gabble gaggle gapes gastrointestinal disease genetic disease glanders gobble grain guggle handicap hash mark hayseed heaves hereditary disease hog cholera honey honk hoo hoof-and-mouth disease hoot humdinger hydrophobia iatrogenic disease illness indisposition infectious disease infirmity insignia of branch kernel kick in kick off killer-diller knockout linseed liver rot local oscillator signal loco loco disease locoism lollapaloosa lulu mad staggers malady malaise malignant catarrh malignant catarrhal fever malignant pustule mange megrims milzbrand morbidity morbus muscular disease neurological disease nifty nut nutritional disease oak leaf occupational disease organic disease organization insignia outdo output signal overseas bar pandemic disease parachute badge paratuberculosis pass away patch pathological condition pathology peach peep picture pipe pippin pips pit plant disease protozoan disease pseudotuberculosis psychosomatic disease quack quarter evil rabies radar signal reading reflection respiratory disease return return signal rinderpest rockiness roll rot scabies scold secondary disease seed seediness service stripe sheep rot shoulder patch shoulder sleeve insignia sickishness sickness signal signal display signs sing splenic fever spot spread eagle squawk staggers star stone stringhalt stripe submarine badge sweetheart swine dysentery symptomatology symptomology symptoms syndrome target image the nuts the pip trace transmitter signal trill tweet twit twitter urogenital disease video signal virus disease warble wasting disease whistle whiz worm disease worst


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