Dictionary 1. ( n.) The morning star; Phosphor. 2. (n.) A poisonous nonmetallic element of the nitrogen group, obtained as a white, or yellowish, translucent waxy substance, having a characteristic disagreeable smell. It is very active chemically, must be preserved under water, and unites with oxygen even at ordinary temperatures, giving a faint glow, -- whence its name. It always occurs combined, usually in phosphates, as in the mineral apatite, in bones, etc. It is used in the composition on the tips of friction matches, and for many other purposes. The molecule contains four atoms. Symbol P. Atomic weight 31.0. 3. (n.) Hence, any substance which shines in the dark like phosphorus, as certain phosphorescent bodies.
Thesaurus amphibole antimony apatite aplite arsenic asbestos asphalt azurite bauxite billiard table bitumen boron bowling alley bowling green brimstone bromine brucite calcite carbon celestite chalcedony chalk chlorite chromite clay coal coke corundum cryolite diatomite driven snow emery epidote epsomite feldspar flat fleece flour foam garnet glass glauconite graphite gypsum hatchettine holosiderite ice iron pyrites ivory jet kyanite level lignite lily lime maggot magnesite mahogany malachite maltha marble marcasite marl meerschaum mica milk mineral coal mineral oil mineral salt mineral tallow mineral tar mineral wax molybdenite monazite obsidian olivine ozokerite paper pearl peat perlite phosphate rock phosphorus plane pumice pyrite pyrites pyroxene quartz realgar red clay rhodonite rock crystal rocks salt satin selenite selenium sheet siderite silica silicate silicon silk silver slide smooth snow spar spinel spodumene sulfur swan talc talcum tellurium tennis court velvet wollastonite wulfenite zeolite |