◄ Peptone ►

1. (n.) The soluble and diffusible substance or substances into which albuminous portions of the food are transformed by the action of the gastric and pancreatic juices. Peptones are also formed from albuminous matter by the action of boiling water and boiling dilute acids.

2. (n.) Collectively, in a broader sense, all the products resulting from the solution of albuminous matter in either gastric or pancreatic juice. In this case, however, intermediate products (albumose bodies), such as antialbumose, hemialbumose, etc., are mixed with the true peptones. Also termed albuminose.

Rh factor Rh-negative Rh-positive Rh-type Rhesus factor albumin albuminoid antibody antigen arterial blood blood blood bank blood cell blood count blood donor blood donor center blood group blood grouping blood picture blood platelet blood pressure blood serum blood substitute bloodmobile bloodstream casein chlorophyll chromoprotein circulation clinical dextran collagen dextran edestin elastin erythrocyte fibroin globin globulin glutenin glycoprotein gore grume hematics hematologist hematology hematoscope hematoscopy hemocyte hemometer histone humor ichor ichthulin interferon isoantibody lactalbumin lecithoprotein leukocyte lifeblood lipid lipoprotein lysozyme mucin neutrophil nucleohistone nucleoprotein opsonin oryzenin osseomucoid peptide peptone phagocyte phosphoaminolipide phosphoprotein plasma plasma substitute prolamine protamine proteose red corpuscle salmine serum serum globulin tendomucin thymus histone type O venous blood white corpuscle zein


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