◄ Penalization ►

alienation amends atonement autism autistic thinking avoidance mechanism base pay blame-shifting blood money comeuppance composition compromise consideration correction damages decompensation defense mechanism dereism dereistic thinking desert deserts dismissal wage displacement dissociation earnings emotional insulation escalator clause escalator plan escape escape into fantasy escape mechanism escapism expiation expiatory offering fantasizing fantasy financial remuneration fixing flight gross income guaranteed annual wage guerdon hire honorarium income indemnification indemnity isolation just deserts living wage making amends making good making right making up meed mending minimum wage negativism net income overcompensation overhaul overhauling pay pay and allowances paying back payment payroll peace offering penal retribution penalization penalty penance piaculum portal-to-portal pay price projection propitiation psychotaxis punishment purchasing power quittance rationalization real wages reclamation recompense rectification redemption redress refund reimbursement remedy remuneration repair repairing reparation repayment reprisal requital requitement resistance restitution retribution return revenge reward salary salvage satisfaction severance pay sliding scale smart money sociological adjustive reactions solatium squaring sublimation substitution take-home take-home pay taxable income total compensation troubleshooting wage wage control wage freeze wage reduction wage rollback wage scale wages wages after deductions wages after taxes wergild what is due what is merited wish-fulfillment fantasy wishful thinking withdrawal


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