Dictionary 1. ( n.) A winged horse fabled to have sprung from the body of Medusa when she was slain. He is noted for causing, with a blow of his hoof, Hippocrene, the inspiring fountain of the Muses, to spring from Mount Helicon. On this account he is, in modern times, associated with the Muses, and with ideas of poetic inspiration. 2. (n.) A northern constellation near the vernal equinoctial point. Its three brightest stars, with the brightest star of Andromeda, form the square of Pegasus. 3. (n.) A genus of small fishes, having large pectoral fins, and the body covered with hard, bony plates. Several species are known from the East Indies and China.
Thesaurus ATDA ATS Adonis Agdistis Alouette Amen-Ra Amor Anna Aphrodite Apollo Belvedere Apollo Musagetes Apollon Ares Ariel Artemis Astarte Ate Athena Atlas-Score Bacchus Balder Biosatellite Bragi Calliope Castilian Spring Ceres Cleopatra Comsat Cora Cosmos Courier Cronus Cupid Cybele Demeter Despoina Diana Diapason Dionysus Dis Discoverer ERS Early Bird Echo Elektron Erato Eros Euterpe Explorer Freya GATV Gaea Gaia Ge Gemini Great Mother Hades Hebe Helicon Helios Hephaestus Hera Here Hermes Hestia Hippocrene Hymen Hyperion Injun Intelsat Jove Juno Jupiter Jupiter Fidius Jupiter Fulgur Jupiter Optimus Maximus Jupiter Pluvius Jupiter Tonans Kore Kronos Lofti Luna Lunar Orbiter Lunik Magna Mater Mariner Mars Mars probes Mercury Midas Minerva Mithras Momus Muse Narcissus Neptune Nike Nimbus OAO OGO OSO Olympians Olympic gods Ops Orcus Orpheus Pageos Parnassus Pegasus Persephassa Persephone Phoebus Phoebus Apollo Pierian Spring Pierides Pioneer Pluto Polyhymnia Polymnia Poseidon Proserpina Proserpine Proton Ra Ranger Relay Rhea Samos San Marco Saturn Savitar Secor Shamash Sol Sputnik Surveyor Surya Syncom Tellus Telstar Terpsichore Titan Transit Vanguard Venus Venus de Milo Vesta Viking Voskhod Vulcan WRESAT Zeus Zond afflatus artificial satellites creative imagination fire of genius houri inspiration peri poesy poetic genius sacred Nine spacecraft the Graces the Muses the Nine tuneful Nine |