◄ Pectoral ►

1. (a.) Pertaining to the chest; as, the pectoral muscles\.

2. (a.) Relating to, or good for, diseases of the chest or lungs; as, a pectoral remedy.

3. (a.) Having the breast conspicuously colored; as, the pectoral sandpiper.

4. (n.) A covering or protecting for the breast.

5. (n.) A breastplate, esp. that worn by the Jewish high person.

6. (n.) A clasp or a cross worn on the breast.

7. (n.) A medicine for diseases of the chest organs, especially the lungs.

bosomed breasted cetacean chested chordate mammary mammate mammiform mammillary marsupial nippled papillary papillose papulous pectoral pigeon-breasted teated thoracic vertebrate


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