Dictionary 1. ( n.) A trodden way; a footway. 2. (n.) A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has moved; route; passage; an established way; as, the path of a meteor, of a caravan, of a storm, of a pestilence. Also used figuratively, of a course of life or action. 3. (v. t.) To make a path in, or on (something), or for (some one). 4. (v. i.) To walk or go.
Thesaurus air lane air line air route airway alameda approach artery avenue beat beaten path beaten track berm bicycle path boardwalk boulevard break bridle path broken circuit catwalk channel circuit circuital field closed circuit complete circuit condensation trail contrail corridor course dead circuit direction drag esplanade fastwalk flight path foot pavement footpath footway galvanic circuit game plan garden path groove highway hiking trail hot circuit itinerary lane lateral circuit leg line live circuit loop magnetic circuit mall means method microcircuit multiple circuit multiple series orbit parade passage pathway piste plan prado primrose path printed circuit procedure process promenade public walk road round route run runway rut scenario scent scheme sea lane series multiple short short circuit shortcut sidewalk signs spoor strategy street technique thoroughfare tour towing path towpath traces track trade route trail traject trajectory trajet trottoir vapor trail vector field wake walk walkway way |