Dictionary 1. (adv.) In part; not totally; as, partially true; the sun partially eclipsed.2. (adv.) In a partial manner; with undue bias of mind; with unjust favor or dislike; as, to judge partially. Thesaurus after a fashion appreciably at any rate at best at least at most at the least at the most at the outside at worst by halves comparatively defectively deficiently detectably fairly faultily imperfectly in a manner in a way in half measures in installments in part in some measure inadequately incompletely indefensibly inexcusably inexpiably iniquitously interestedly irremissibly leastwise merely mildly moderately modestly not comprehensively not exhaustively one-sidedly only part partly pro tanto purely relatively simply so far somewhat thus far to a degree to some degree to some extent tolerably unallowably unconscionably undeservedly undispassionately unequally unevenly unfairly unforgivably unjustifiably unjustly unpardonably unreasonably unwarrantably visibly wrongfully wrongly |