Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To ward off; to stop, or to turn aside; as, to parry a thrust, a blow, or anything that means or threatens harm. 2. (v. t.) To avoid; to shift or put off; to evade. 3. (v. i.) To ward off, evade, or turn aside something, as a blow, argument, etc. 4. (n.) A warding off of a thrust or blow, as in sword and bayonet exercises or in boxing; hence, figuratively, a defensive movement in debate or other intellectual encounter.
Thesaurus about the bush answer answer conclusively argue down around the bush back and fill beat about beat around beat off beg the question bicker block boggle cavil check choplogic confound confute contradict controvert counter crush defeat demolish deny dismiss dispose of dodge drive back duck equivocate evade evade the issue fence fend fend off finish floor hedge hem and haw hinder hold at bay hold off hum and haw keep at bay keep off mince the truth mince words mystify nitpick nonplus obscure obstruct overthrow overturn overwhelm palter pick nits prevaricate pull away pull back push back pussyfoot put back put off put to silence quibble rebuff rebut recoil reduce to silence refute repel repulse settle sheer off shift shift off shrink shuffle shut up shy shy away shy off sidestep silence smash all opposition split hairs squash squelch stave off step aside stop subvert swerve tergiversate turn aside undermine upset waffle ward off weasel |