Dictionary 1. (a.) Of or pertaining to paralysis; resembling paralysis.2. (a.) Affected with paralysis, or palsy. 3. (a.) Inclined or tending to paralysis. 4. (n.) A person affected with paralysis. Thesaurus allergic amputee anemic apoplectic arthritic bilious cancerous chlorotic colicky consumptive contemplative cripple defective deformity do-nothing dormant dropsical dyspeptic edematous encephalitic epileptic handicapped person idiot idle imbecile immobile inactive incapable inert laissez-aller laissez-faire laryngitic leprous luetic malarial malignant measly meditative motionless nephritic neuralgic neuritic neuter neutral palsied paralyzed paraplegic passive phthisic pleuritic pneumonic pocky podagric procrastinating quadriplegic quiescent quietist quietistic rachitic rheumatic rickety scorbutic scrofulous stagnant stagnating standpat static stationary tabetic tabid the crippled the handicapped tubercular tuberculous tumorigenic tumorous vegetable vegetative |