Dictionary 1. ( imp. & p. p.) of Overset. 2. (v. t.) To turn or tip (anything) over from an upright, or a proper, position so that it lies upon its side or bottom upwards; to upset; as, to overset a chair, a coach, a ship, or a building. 3. (v. t.) To cause to fall, or to tail; to subvert; to overthrow; as, to overset a government or a plot. 4. (v. t.) To fill too full. 5. (v. i.) To turn, or to be turned, over; to be upset. 6. (n.) An upsetting; overturn; overthrow; as, the overset of a carriage. 7. (n.) An excess; superfluity.
Thesaurus balance be lost bonus capsizal capsize careen culbute culbuter deck dividend extra floor founder go down gratuity honeycomb keel keel over knock over lagniappe leftover margin overage overcome overmaster overmatch overmeasure overplus overpower overrun overstock oversupply overthrow overturn pitchpole plus pourboire remainder revolution sap sap the foundations scuttle send flying silence sink somersault somerset something extra spare spill subversion subvert surmount surplus surplusage throw down throw over tip tip over topple topple over topsy-turvify topsy-turvy trip trip up tumble turn a somersault turn over turn topsy-turvy turn turtle turn upside down turnover undermine unhorse upend upset upset the boat upturn weaken |