Dictionary 1. ( v.) To be under obligation to do something. 2. (imp., p. p., or auxiliary) Was or were under obligation to pay; owed. 3. (imp., p. p., or auxiliary) Owned; possessed. 4. (imp., p. p., or auxiliary) To be bound in duty or by moral obligation. 5. (imp., p. p., or auxiliary) To be necessary, fit, becoming, or expedient; to behoove; -- in this sense formerly sometimes used impersonally or without a subject expressed. 6. (p. p.) of Owe
Thesaurus acquiescence adherence adhesion assigned task attachment bona fides bond bonne foi bounden duty burden business call of duty charge commitment compliance conformity consecration constancy dedication deference devoir devotedness devotion duteousness duties and responsibilities dutifulness duty ethics faith faithfulness fealty fidelity firmness good faith homage honor imperative line of duty loyalty mission must obedience obediency obligation observance onus ought piety place respect self-imposed duty service servility servitium staunchness steadfastness submission submissiveness suit and service suit service tie troth true blue trueness willingness |