Dictionary 1. ( a.) Free of bias; or ( n.) a measurable goal\. 2. (a.) of or pertaining to an object; contained in, or having the nature or position of, an object; outward; external; extrinsic; -- an epithet applied to whatever is exterior to the mind, or which is simply an object of thought or feeling, and opposed to subjective. 3. (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, the case which follows a transitive verb or a preposition, being that case in which the direct object of the verb is placed. See Accusative. 4. (n.) The objective case. 5. (n.) An object glass. See under Object, n. 6. (n.) Same as Objective point, under Objective, a.
Thesaurus achromatic lens affectless aim ambition anesthetized animus appetence appetency appetite arctic aspiration astigmatic lens autistic bauble bibelot blunt burning glass butt by-end by-purpose camera catatonic chill chilly choice coated lens cold cold as charity cold-blooded coldhearted command conation conatus concave lens concavo-convex lens condenser convex lens cool corporeal curio decision design desire destination detached determination discretion disinterested dispassionate disposition drugged dull duty emotionally dead emotionless end end in view equitable evenhanded external extraneous extraorganismal extrinsic eyeglass eyepiece fair fancy final cause foreign free choice free will frigid frosted frosty frozen function game gewgaw gimcrack glass goal gross hand lens heartless hope icy immovable impartial impassible impassive impersonal inclination indifferent inexcitable insusceptible intent intention judicious just lens liking lust magnifier magnifying glass mark material meniscus mind neutral nonemotional nonsubjective novelty object object glass object in mind objective prism obtuse ocular open-handed open-minded out of touch outer outlying outside outward passion passionless phenomenal physical pleasure prey prism purpose pursuit quarry quintain reader reading glass reason for being resolution self-absorbed sensible sexual desire soulless spiritless substantial tangible target teleology telephoto lens toric lens trinket ultimate aim unaffectionate unbiased unbigoted uncolored undazzled unemotional unfeeling unimpassioned unimpressionable uninfluenced unjaundiced unloving unpassionate unprejudiced unprepossessed unresponding unresponsive unsusceptible unswayed unsympathetic untouchable use varifocal lens velleity volition whatnot will will power wish zoom lens |