1. (a.) Enfeebled in, or destitute of, the power of sensation and motion; rendered torpid; benumbed; insensible; as, the fingers or limbs are numb with cold.

2. (a.) Producing numbness; benumbing; as, the numb, cold night.

3. (v. t.) To make numb; to deprive of the power of sensation or motion; to render senseless or inert; to deaden; to benumb; to stupefy.

KO Laodicean Olympian abate allay alleviate aloof anesthetize anesthetized apathetic appease asleep assuage bedaze benumb benumbed besot bite blah blase blunt bored callous casual chill chloroform coldcock comatose cushion cut dead deaden deaden the pain deadened debilitated desensitize desensitized detached diminish disinterested dope dopey dormant droopy drug drugged dull ease ease matters enervated etherize exanimate foment freeze frost frostbite give relief go through heartless heavy hebetudinous hopeless immobilize impassible imperceptive impercipient in a stupor inanimate incurious indifferent inert insensate insensible insensitive insentient insouciant jaded kayo knock out knock senseless knock stiff knock unconscious lackadaisical languid languorous lay lay out leaden lessen lethargic lifeless listless lull lumpish mitigate mollify moribund mull narcotize nip nonchalant numbed obdurate obtund obtuse pad palliate palsy paralyze passive penetrate phlegmatic pierce pluckless pooped poultice pour balm into pour oil on put to sleep reduce refrigerate relieve remote resigned salve sated senseless slack slacken slake sleepy slow sluggish soften somnolent soothe soporific spiritless spunkless stagnant stagnating stoic stultified stun stupe stupefied stupefy subdue supine thick-skinned thick-witted torpid uncaring unconcerned unconscious unfeeling unfelt uninterested unperceptive vegetable vegetative wan weary withdrawn world-weary


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