◄ Nobility ►

1. (n.) The quality or state of being noble; superiority of mind or of character; commanding excellence; eminence.

2. (n.) The state of being of high rank or noble birth; patrician dignity; antiquity of family; distinction by rank, station, or title, whether inherited or conferred.

3. (n.) Those who are noble; the collective body of nobles or titled persons in a state; the aristocratic and patrician class; the peerage; as, the English nobility.

Babylonian splendor FFVs aedileship ancienne noblesse archbishopric archiepiscopacy archiepiscopate aristocracy assured probity augustness authority baronage baronetage barons bigheartedness bigness birth bishopric blamelessness blue blood brilliance chairmanship chancellery chancellorate chancellorship character chiefery chiefry chieftaincy chieftainry chieftainship chivalrousness chivalry class cleanness consequence conspicuousness consulate consulship courtliness cream deanery decency dictatorship dictature dignifiedness dignity directorship distinction elaborateness elect elegance elevation elite eminence emirate episcopacy erectness errantry establishment estimableness ethics exaltation excellence fairness fame generosity generousness glory good character goodness gorgeousness governorship grandeur grandiosity grandness gravity great heart greatheartedness greatness greatness of heart haut monde headship hegemony heroism hierarchy high ideals high life high mightiness high principles high society high-mindedness honesty honor honorableness idealism illustriousness immaculacy importance imposingness impressiveness influence integrity irreproachability irreproachableness justice justness kingliness knight-errantry knightage knightliness largeheartedness lavishness leadership liberality liberalness loftiness lordliness lords of creation lordship luxuriousness luxury magistracy magistrateship magistrature magnanimity magnanimousness magnificence majesty mark masterdom mastership mastery mayoralty mayorship metropolitanate metropolitanship moral excellence moral strength noble-mindedness nobleness noblesse noblesse de robe notability note old nobility openhandedness outstandingness overlapping papacy pashadom pashalic patriarchate patriarchy peerage plushness pontificality pontificate popedom popehood popeship poshness position power elite power structure prefectship prefecture premiership presidency presidentship prestige pride of bearing pride of place primacy prime-ministership prime-ministry princedom princeliness princeship principality principles probity proconsulate proconsulship prominence protectorate protectorship proud bearing proudness provostry provostship pureness purity rank rectitude rectorate rectorship regality regency regentship renown reputability respectability resplendence righteousness ritziness royalty ruling circles ruling class sedateness seigniory seneschalship seneschalsy sheikhdom sheriffalty sheriffcy sheriffdom shrievalty significance sobriety solemnity splendidness splendiferousness splendor stainlessness state stateliness sublimity sumptuousness supereminence supervisorship suzerainship suzerainty the Establishment the Four Hundred the best the best people the brass the classes top people tribunate unimpeachability unimpeachableness unspottedness upper class upper classes upper crust upper ten upper ten thousand uppercut uprightness upstandingness venerability virtue


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