Dictionary 1. ( n.) The son of Saturn and Ops, the god of the waters, especially of the sea. He is represented as bearing a trident for a scepter. 2. (n.) The remotest known planet of our system, discovered -- as a result of the computations of Leverrier, of Paris -- by Galle, of Berlin, September 23, 1846. Its mean distance from the sun is about 2,775,000,000 miles, and its period of revolution is about 164,78 years.
Thesaurus AB Agdistis Amor Ancient Mariner Aphrodite Apollo Apollon Ares Argonaut Artemis Ate Athena Bacchus Ceres Cora Cronus Cupid Cybele Davy Davy Jones Demeter Despoina Diana Dionysus Dis Dylan Earth Eros Flying Dutchman Gaea Gaia Ge Great Mother Hades Helios Hephaestus Hera Here Hermes Hestia Hymen Hyperion Jove Juno Jupiter Jupiter Fidius Jupiter Fulgur Jupiter Optimus Maximus Jupiter Pluvius Jupiter Tonans Kore Kronos Magna Mater Mars Mercury Minerva Mithras Momus Nereid Nereus Nike OD Oceanid Oceanus Olympians Olympic gods Ops Orcus Persephassa Persephone Phoebus Phoebus Apollo Pluto Poseidon Proserpina Proserpine Rhea Saturn Tellus Thetis Triton Uranus Varuna Venus Vesta Vulcan Zeus able seaman able-bodied seaman asteroid bluejacket buccaneer deep-sea man fair-weather sailor fisherman fresh-water nymph hearty inferior planet jack jack afloat jack-tar jacky kelpie limey limniad lobsterman major planet man fish mariner matelot mermaid merman minor planet naiad navigator nix nixie ocean nymph pirate planet planetoid privateer sailor salt sea devil sea dog sea god sea nymph sea rover sea-maid sea-maiden seafarer seafaring man seaman secondary planet shipman siren solar system superior planet tar terrestrial planet undine viking wanderer water dog water god water spirit water sprite whaler windjammer windsailor |