◄ Negligence ►

1. (n.) Lack of due diligence or care; omission of duty; habitual neglect; heedlessness\.

2. (n.) An act or instance of negligence or carelessness.

3. (n.) The omission of the care usual under the circumstances, being convertible with the Roman culpa. A specialist is bound to higher skill and diligence in his specialty than one who is not a specialist, and liability for negligence varies accordingly.

absentmindedness accidia acedia allowance apathy approximation ataraxia ataraxy bad policy blowziness carelessness casualness chintziness culpa culpable negligence default delinquency dereliction detachment deviation disconformity disinterest dispassion disregard disregardfulness distraction dowdiness easiness easygoingness failing failure fecklessness flightiness flippancy forgetfulness frivolousness frowziness frumpishness giddiness grubbiness hastiness heedlessness impolicy impotence imprecision improvidence inaccuracy inaccurateness inadvertence inadvertency inattention inattentiveness inconsideration incorrectness incuriosity indifference indiscrimination inexactitude inexactness inexcitability inexpedience inexpediency inobservance insouciance laches lack of affect lackadaisicalness laissez-faire lapse lax stewardship laxity laxness leniency levity lightmindedness listlessness looseness loosening maladministration malfeasance malpractice messiness mindlessness misadministration misconduct misdirection misfeasance misgovernment misguidance mishandling mismanagement misrule neglect neglectfulness nonadherence nonchalance noncompliance nonconformance nonconformity nonfeasance nonfulfillment noninterference nonobservance nonperformance nonrestriction obliviousness omission oscitancy overindulgence overlooking overpermissiveness oversight permissiveness pococurantism poor husbandry poor stewardship predictable error probable error procrastination recklessness regardlessness relaxation relaxedness remissness seediness shabbiness shallowness shiftlessness shoddiness slackness slatternliness slight slipshodness sloppiness sloth slovenliness slovenry sluttishness softness sordidness squalidness squalor standard deviation superficiality tackiness tawdriness thoughtlessness thriftlessness tolerance unalertness unanxiousness unawareness unconcern unconsciousness uncorrectness unfactualness unheedfulness unintentiveness unmindfulness unneatness unobservance unpreciseness unrestraint unrigorousness unsolicitousness untidiness unwariness unwatchfulness weakness wrongdoing


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