◄ Mucilage ►

1. (n.) A gummy or gelatinous substance produced in certain plants by the action of water on the cell wall, as in the seeds of quinces, of flax, etc.

2. (n.) An aqueous solution of gum, or of substances allied to it; as, medicinal mucilage; mucilage for fastening envelopes.

adherent adhesive albumen antifriction barnacle batter black lead bonnyclabber bramble brier bulldog burr butter cement clabber cornstarch cream curd decal decalcomania dough egg white gaum gel gelatin glair glop glue gluten glycerin goo gook goop graphite gruel gumbo gunk jam jell jelly leech limpet loblolly lubricant lubricating oil lubricator molasses mucus pap paste plaster plumbago porridge prickle pudding pulp puree putty remora rob semifluid semiliquid silicone size soup starch sticker sticky mess syrup thorn treacle wax


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