Dictionary 1. ( a.) Marvelous; strange. 2. (a.) Having the qualities of a monster; deviating greatly from the natural form or character; abnormal; as, a monstrous birth. 3. (a.) Extraordinary in a way to excite wonder, dislike, apprehension, etc.; -- said of size, appearance, color, sound, etc.; as, a monstrous height; a monstrous ox; a monstrous story. 4. (a.) Extraordinary on account of ugliness, viciousness, or wickedness; hateful; horrible; dreadful. 5. (a.) Abounding in monsters. 6. (adv.) Exceedingly; very; very much.
Thesaurus Atlantean Brobdingnagian Cyclopean Gargantuan Herculean Homeric a bit much abandoned abject abominable absurd abysmal amplitudinous appalling arrant astronomic astronomical atrocious awesome awful awfully bad bandy bandy-legged barbaric barbarous baroque base beastly beggarly beneath contempt beyond belief big bizarre black blamable blameworthy blemished bloated boundless bowlegged brutal brutish bulky cacogenic cheesy club-footed cockamamie colossal contemptible cosmic cracking crazy criminal cruel crummy crying damnable dark debased defaced deformed degraded deplorable depraved desperate despicable detestable dire dirty disfigured disgraceful disgusting dreadful dwarfed egregious elephantine enormous epic evil exaggerated excessive execrable exorbitant extensive extravagant extreme extremely fabulous fancy fantastic fateful fetid fiendish filthy flagitious flagrant flatfooted foolish foul freak freakish frightful fulsome galactic gargantuan gargoylish ghoulish giant giantlike gigantic glaring gluttonous grandiose grave grievous grisly gross grotesque gruesome hateful heinous hellish heroic hideous high high-flown horrendous horrible horrid horrific horrifying huge hyperbolic hypertrophied ill-made ill-proportioned ill-shaped immeasurable immense immoderate impressive improper incontinent incredible infamous infinite inhuman iniquitous inordinate insensitive intemperate jumbo king-size knavish knock-kneed lamentable large laughable little loathsome lousy low low-down ludicrous lumpen magnificent malformed mammoth mangy marred massive massy mean measly merciless mightily mighty misbegotten miserable misproportioned misshapen monster monumental mortal mountainous mutilated nasty naughty nauseating nauseous nefarious noisome nonsensical notorious obnoxious odious offensive ominous out of bounds out of shape out of sight outrageous outre outsize overbig overdeveloped overgreat overgrown overlarge overmuch overweening paltry peccant petty pigeon-toed pitiable pitiful poky poor poppycockish portentous preposterous prodigious profound pug-nosed rachitic rank rattling regrettable repellent reprehensible reprobate reptilian repulsive revolting rickety ridiculous rococo rotten ruthless sad savage scabby scandalous schlock scrubby scruffy scummy scurvy shabby shameful shameless shapeless |