Dictionary 1. (n.) Instruction or advice given by way of caution; an admonition; a warning\; a caution.2. (n.) Information; indication; notice; advice. 3. (n.) A process in the nature of a summons to appear and answer. 4. (n.) An order monishing a party complained against to obey under pain of the law. Thesaurus admonishment admonition advice advising advocacy alarm alerting briefing caution cautioning caveat certiorari citation clue consultation council counsel cue determent deterrence deterrent example direction example exhortation expostulation final notice final warning forewarning frightening off garnishment guidance habeas corpus hint hortation idea instruction intimidation lesson moral notice notification object lesson office opinion parley passing word pointer proposal recommendation remonstrance steer subpoena suggestion summons talking out of thought threat tip tip-off ultimatum venire venire de novo venire facias verbum sapienti warning warning piece whisper writ of summons |