(n.) An optical illusion, seen frequently in deserts, looking like a pool of water\ due to total reflection of light at the surface common to two strata of air differently heated. The reflected image is seen, commonly in an inverted position, while the real object may or may not be in sight. When the surface is horizontal, and below the eye, the appearance is that of a sheet of water in which the object is seen reflected; when the reflecting surface is above the eye, the image is seen projected against the sky. The fata Morgana and looming are species of mirage.

apparition appearance bafflement balk bamboozlement befooling betrayed hope blasted expectation blighted hope blow bluffing buffet calculated deception circumvention comedown conning cruel disappointment dash dashed hope deceiving deception deceptiveness defeat defrauding delusion delusiveness disappointment discomfiture disillusionment dissatisfaction dupery enmeshment ensnarement entanglement entrapment failure fallaciousness fallacy fallen countenance false image falseness fata morgana fiasco figure fizzle flimflam flimflammery foiling fond illusion fooling forlorn hope form frustration hallucination hoodwinking hope deferred illusion image kidding letdown looming outwitting overreaching phantasm phantom phasm phenomenon presence putting on self-deception setback shape snow job song and dance sore disappointment spoofery spoofing subterfuge swindling tantalization tease trickiness tricking victimization vision willful misconception wishful thinking


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