Dictionary 1. (adv.) In a minute manner; with minuteness; exactly; nicely.2. (a.) Happening every minute; continuing; unceasing. 3. (adv.) At intervals of a minute; very often and regularly. Thesaurus a bit a little accurately at length barely by a hair by an ace completely concretely conscientiously definitely distinctly especially ever so little exactingly exactly exiguously expressly exquisitely faintly feebly fully fussily hardly imperfectly in detail in extenso in full in particular in toto inappreciably inconsequentially insignificantly item by item just a bit lightly little meagerly meticulously minimally negligibly nicely not hardly only just particularly precisely punctiliously punctually refinedly rigorously scantily scarcely scrupulously separately singly slightly specially specifically strictly tant soit peu to be specific triflingly weakly wholly with exactitude with great nicety with precision |