Dictionary 1. (adv.) In a mighty manner; with might; with great earnestness; vigorously; powerfully.2. (adv.) To a great degree; very much. Thesaurus almighty arduously authoritatively awfully big cogently commandingly consequentially deafeningly dynamically effectively effectually energetically ex cathedra exceedingly extremely firmly forcefully forcibly greatly hardly heartily highly hugely imperatively imperviously impregnably intensely invincibly invulnerably irresistibly just laboriously loudly lustily might and main mighty momentously notably officially only too potently powerful powerfully pretty productively puissantly pungently quite real really resistantly right robustly ruggedly so soundly stalwartly staunchly stoutly strenuously strikingly strongly sturdily surpassingly tellingly terribly terrifically to good account to good purpose toilsomely unyieldingly very vigorously weightily with a vengeance with authority with telling effect |