Dictionary 1. ( n.) A low shrubby tree of the genus Pistacia (P. Lentiscus), growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean, and producing a valuable resin; -- called also, mastic tree. 2. (n.) A resin exuding from the mastic tree, and obtained by incision. The best is in yellowish white, semitransparent tears, of a faint smell, and is used as an astringent and an aromatic, also as an ingredient in varnishes. 3. (n.) A kind of cement composed of burnt clay, litharge, and linseed oil, used for plastering walls, etc.
Thesaurus adherent affixation amylaceous annexation attachment barnacle binding birdlime bond bramble brier bulldog bulldogged bulldoggish bulldoggy bullheaded burr cement clabbered clammy clasping clingy clotted coagulated curdled decal decalcomania doughy fastener fastening fish glue gaumy gelatinous girding glairy glue gluelike gluey gluten glutenous glutinose glutinous gooey grumous gum gumbo gumbolike gumlike gummous gummy gunk heavy hooking inspissated jelled jellied jellylike knot lashing leech library paste ligation lime limpet lute mastic molasses mucilage mucilaginous obstinate paste pasty persistent plaster prickle putty remora ropy rubber cement sealing wax self-adhesive size slabby slimy slithery solder splice starchy stickable sticker sticking sticky stodgy stringy stubborn syrup syrupy tacky tenacious thick thickened thorn tieing tough tremelloid tremellose viscid viscose viscous wafer zipping |