Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To cover, as part of a rope, with marline, marking a peculiar hitch at each turn to prevent unwinding. 2. (n.) A mixed earthy substance, consisting of carbonate of lime, clay, and sand, in very variable proportions, and accordingly designated as calcareous, clayey, or sandy. See Greensand. 3. (n.) To overspread or manure with marl; as, to marl a field.
Thesaurus abundance alluvion alluvium arable land bags barrels bushel chattels real clay clod copiousness countlessness crust demesne dirt domain dry land dust earth flood freehold glebe grassland ground grounds honor land landed property landholdings lands lithosphere load lot lots manor marginal land marl mass messuage mold mountain much multitude numerousness ocean oceans parcel peck plat plenitude plenty plot praedium profusion property quadrat quantities quantity real estate real property realty region regolith sea sod soil spate subaerial deposit subsoil superabundance superfluity tenements terra terra firma terrain territory the country toft tons topsoil volume woodland world worlds |