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Anschauung Sherlock Sherlock Holmes accountability air hole amaurosis angle angle of vision annulet armhole assumption attend attitude auspices baby blues banjo eyes basis be vigilant be watchful beagle belief blepharitis blowhole bossing bright eyes bullet-hole bunghole care cast coquettish glances cataract charge choroiditis circlet clear eyes clear sight climate of opinion color vision common belief community sentiment conceit concept conception conclusion cone vision conjunctivitis consensus gentium consider consideration contemplate conviction coquet cornea cover crane crane the neck cringle cross-eye day vision daylight vision deadeye defective vision defense dekko detached retina dick discernment eagle eye esotropia estimate estimation ethos examine eye defect eye-mindedness eyeball eyeful eyelet eyelid eyesight farsight farsightedness feeling field of view field of vision flatfoot flirt follow footing frame of reference framework gallivant gape gasket gaup gawk gaze gaze at gaze open-mouthed general belief give the eye give the once-over glaucoma gloat goggle goggle eyes gold-dig grasp grommet guard guide gumshoe gumshoe man gutta serena hard look have a looksee hawkshaw hold in view horizon idea impression inspect intendance investigator iris iritis judgment jurisdiction keen sight keep in sight keep in view keep under observation ken keratitis keyhole knothole lamp lee leer leer at leering look lens lid light lights look look after look at look on look over look sweet upon look upon look-in loop loophole lustful leer make eyes at manhole mental outlook mind mousehole mystique naked eye nictitating membrane night vision notion observation observe ocular oculus ogle ogle at opinion optic optic nerve optic neuritis orb organ of vision outlook oversight peeper peephole perception peripheral field peripheral vision personal judgment perspicacity perspicuity persuasion peruse philander photopia pigeonhole pinhole pink eye place placket placket hole plainclothesman play around point of view popeyes popular belief pore pore over porthole position posture power of sight preservation presumption prevailing belief preview private eye prospect protection protective custody public belief public opinion punch-hole pupil purview quick sight range reaction reconnoiter reference system refuge regard respect responsibility retina retinoblastoma ring ringlet rod vision roundlet rubberneck run around safekeeping safety saucer eyes scene sclera scope scotopia scout scrutinize scrutiny seeing sense of sight sentiment shade shadow shelter


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