Dictionary 1. ( n.) A little amorous poem, sometimes called a pastoral poem, containing some tender and delicate, though simple, thought. 2. (n.) An unaccompanied polyphonic song, in four, five, or more parts, set to secular words, but full of counterpoint and imitation, and adhering to the old church modes. Unlike the freer glee, it is best sung with several voices on a part. See Glee.
Thesaurus English sonnet Horatian ode Italian sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Pindaric ode Sapphic ode Shakespearean sonnet alba anacreontic balada ballad ballade bucolic canso cantata chanson choral singing chorus clerihew dirge dithyramb eclogue elegy epic epigram epithalamium epode epopee epopoeia epos georgic ghazel glee haiku idyll jingle limerick lyric madrigaletto monody narrative poem nursery rhyme ode oratorio palinode pastoral pastoral elegy pastorela pastourelle poem prothalamium rhyme rondeau rondel roundel roundelay satire sestina sloka song sonnet sonnet sequence tanka tenso tenzone threnody triolet troubadour poem unison verse verselet versicle villanelle virelay |