1. (n.) Anything read or recited to a teacher by a pupil or learner; something, as a portion of a book, assigned to a pupil to be studied or learned at one time.

2. (n.) That which is learned or taught by an express effort; instruction derived from precept, experience, observation, or deduction; a precept; a doctrine; as, to take or give a lesson in drawing.

3. (n.) A portion of Scripture read in divine service for instruction; as, here endeth the first lesson.

4. (n.) A severe lecture; reproof; rebuke; warning.

5. (n.) An exercise; a composition serving an educational purpose; a study.

6. (v. t.) To teach; to instruct.

admonish admonishment admonition alarm assignment call down castigation caution caveat chalk talk chastening chastisement chide chiding class correction deterrent deterrent example discouragement discourse disquisition drill example exemplar exercise exposition final notice final warning guide harangue hint homework homily instruction lecture lecture-demonstration maxim message model monition moral moral lesson morality moralization notice notification object lesson objurgation paragon practice preachment precept punishment rating reading rebuke recital recitation reprehension reprimand reproach reprobation reproof reproval schooling scolding sermon session set task skull session spanking study talk task teaching threat tick off tip-off tutoring ultimatum upbraiding verbum sapienti warning warning piece


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