Dictionary 1. ( n.) A thong of leather, or a long cord, by which a falconer holds his hawk, or a courser his dog. 2. (n.) A brace and a half; a tierce; three; three creatures of any kind, especially greyhounds, foxes, bucks, and hares; hence, the number three in general. 3. (n.) A string with a loop at the end for lifting warp threads, in a loom. 4. (v. t.) To tie together, or hold, with a leash.
Thesaurus Oregon boat anchor band bandage belt bend bilbo bind bind up bond bonds brace bridle bundle camisole chain chains cinch clover collar cuffs deuce-ace do up enchain entrammel fasten fetter gag gird girdle girt girth gyve gyves halter hamper handcuff handcuffs hobble hobbles hog-tie hopple hopples irons lace lash leading strings make fast manacle moor muzzle peg down picket pillory pin down pinion put in irons reins restrain restraint restraints rope secure set of three shackle shamrock splice stocks straightjacket strait-waistcoat straitjacket stranglehold strap swaddle swathe tercet ternary ternion terzetto tether three threesome tie tie down tie up tierce trammel trammels trefoil trey triad trialogue triangle tricorn trident triennium trihedron trilogy trimester trine trinity trinomial trio triphthong triple crown triple threat triplet triplopy tripod triptych trireme triseme triskelion trisul triumvirate triunity trivet troika truss wire wrap wrap up yoke |