◄ Latitude ►

1. (n.) Extent from side to side, or distance sidewise from a given point or line; breadth; width.

2. (n.) Room; space; freedom from confinement or restraint; hence, looseness; laxity; independence.

3. (n.) Extent or breadth of signification, application, etc.; extent of deviation from a standard, as truth, style, etc.

4. (n.) Extent; size; amplitude; scope.

5. (n.) Distance north or south of the equator, measured on a meridian.

6. (n.) The angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic.

Antarctic Zone Arctic Circle Arctic Zone Cartesian coordinates Frigid Zones Lambert conformal projection Mercator projection Miller projection Torrid Zone Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Variable Zones abscissa aeronautical chart air space altitude ample scope amplitude astronomical chart atlas azimuth azimuthal equidistant projection azimuthal projection beam blank check breadth broad gauge broad-mindedness broadness carte blanche cartographer cartography celestial chart celestial globe chart chorographer chorography clearance climate climatic chart clime conic projection contour line contour map cylindrical coordinates cylindrical projection declination distance across ecumenicalism ecumenicism ecumenicity ecumenism elbowroom equator equator coordinates expanse extent field free course free hand free play free scope full scope full swing fullness general reference map globe gnomonic projection graphic scale grid line hachure headroom heliographic chart horse latitudes hydrographic chart index isoline large-mindedness layer tint leeway legend long rope longitude longitude in arc maneuvering space map map maker map projection mapper margin meridian no holds barred noninsularity open space ordinate parallel photogrammetrist photogrammetry photomap phototopography physical map play polar coordinates political map polyconic projection prime meridian projection range relief map representative fraction right ascension road map roaring forties room room to spare rope scale scope sea room sinusoidal projection space spacious mind span spare room special map spread subtropics swing terrain map terrestrial globe the line thematic map tolerance topographer topographic chart topography transportation map tropic tropics unbigotedness unhideboundness unparochialism unprovincialism way weather chart weather map wide berth wide-mindedness wideness width zone


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