Dictionary 1. ( n.) A short piece of rope or line for fastening something in ships; as, the lanyards of the gun ports, of the buoy, and the like; esp., pieces passing through the dead-eyes, and used to extend shrouds, stays, etc. 2. (n.) A strong cord, about twelve feet long, with an iron hook at one end a handle at the other, used in firing cannon with a friction tube.
Thesaurus accouterments advocate alpenstock anchor chain anchor rode apparatus apparel appliances appointments appurtenances arm armament artifice athletic supporter attire back backbone backing backropes bandeau bear raid bearer becket block boltrope bow fast bowline bra brace bracer bracket brail brassiere breast fast bull raid buntline buttress cabal cane carrier cervix clothing collusion complicity complot confederacy connivance conspiracy contrivance contriving conveniences cordage cording corner corner in corset counterplot covin crook crossjack brace crutch deadeye deep-laid plot downhaul dress duds duffel earing engineering equipage equipment facilities facility fast finagling finesse fittings fixtures flying jib martingale flying jib stay footropes fore-skysail brace fore-skysail lift fore-topgallant shroud fore-topgallant stay fore-topmast backstay fore-topsail lift foreganger foreroyal backstay foreroyal lift forerunner forestay foretack foundation garment frame-up fulcrum furnishings furniture game gasket gear girdle grab rope guess-rope guess-warp guest rope gunter guy guywire halyard harbor gasket hawser head fast impedimenta installations intrigue jock jockstrap kit lanyard lee sheet lee tack lifeline lift little game machination machinery main brace main-skysail brace main-trysail vang mainsheet mainstay maintainer maneuvering manipulation martingale mast materiel messenger mizzen stay mizzen-royal lift mizzen-royal stay mizzen-skysail brace mizzen-skysail lift mizzen-skysail stay mizzen-topgallant lift mizzen-topgallant stay mizzen-topmast stay mizzen-topsail lift monopoly munition munitions neck outfit outhaul painter paraphernalia pennant hoist plant plot plotting plumbing port tack preventer backstay prop raid raiment ratline reinforce reinforcement reinforcer rest resting place rig ropes ropework roping running rigging scheme schemery scheming sea gasket service serving sheet shoulder shroud span spanker peak halyard spanker sheet spine spring sprit staff standing rigging starboard tack stave stay stick stiffener stirrup stock-in-trade stratagem strengthener support supporter sustainer tack tackle tackling things togs trick underplot upholder utensils walking stick wash sale washing weather sheet web of intrigue whipping whisker jumper wire-pulling |