1. (n.) A frame usually portable, of wood, metal, or rope, for ascent and descent, consisting of two side pieces to which are fastened cross strips or rounds forming steps.

2. (v. i.) That which resembles a ladder in form or use; hence, that by means of which one attains to eminence.

Danish balance Indian file Lambert conformal projection Mercator projection Miller projection Roman balance Weightometer accommodation ladder adjust aeronautical chart alloy balance amount amplitude analytical balance area arrange in layers array articulation ascend assay balance astronomical chart atlas azimuthal equidistant projection azimuthal projection balance balance of precision bank barometer barrel scale beam bigness board body breach breadth break breakage bulk bullion balance burst bust buzz cake caking caliber calibration canon carry cartographer cartography catena catenation celestial chart celestial globe chain chain reaction chaining chart check chip chip off chorographer chorography chromatic scale clamber clamber up cleft climatic chart climb climb over climb up coat coating compass concatenation conic projection connection consecution continuum contour line contour map counter scale course coverage crack criterion crust cut cycle cylinder scale cylindrical projection dandruff decorticate decrease degree delaminate depth descent desquamate diameter diapason dimension dimensions diminish dodecuple scale doorstep drone drum scale enamel encrustation endless belt endless round enharmonic scale enlarge escalade escalate eschar exfoliate expanse expansion extension extension ladder extent facing fan scale file filiation film fissure flake flake off flexure plate scale floccule flocculus flock folding ladder footrest footstep foray fracture fur gamut gangway ladder gap gauge general reference map girth globe gnomonic projection go up gradation grade graduated scale graduation graphic scale great scale greatness grid line hachure height heliographic chart hierarchy hum hydrographic chart imbrication increase incrustation index inroad interval inundate invade isoline lacquer ladder lamella lamina laminate largeness latitude lay down lay up layer layer tint leap legend length level lever scales line lineage long-arm balance longitude lower magnitude major scale make a raid make an inroad map map maker map projection mapper mark mass measure measurement melodic minor meridian minor scale model monotone mount nexus norm notch nuance octave scale overlay overwhelm paint pair of scales parallel parameter paring pas pastry shell pattern peel peg pellicle pendulum pentatonic scale period periodicity photogrammetrist photogrammetry photomap phototopography physical map piecrust pitch plane plaque plate plate fulcrum scale plateau platform scale plenum point political map polyconic projection powder train precision balance precision scale


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