Dictionary ( n.) A large, green, arboreal, orthopterous insect (Cyrtophyllus concavus) of the family Locustidae, common in the United States. The males have stridulating organs at the bases of the front wings. During the summer and autumn, in the evening, the males make a peculiar, loud, shrill sound, resembling the combination Katy-did, whence the name. Thesaurus Chilopoda Chordata Echiuroidea Ectoprocta Entoprocta Lepisma Monoplacophora Nemertinea Phoronidea animal ant aphid aphis arachnid arthropod assassin bug beast bedbug bee beetle bluebottle borer bug butterfly caddis fly caterpillar centipede chafer chigoe chilopod cicada cicala cockchafer cockroach crane fly cricket cucumber flea beetle cur curculio daddy longlegs damselfly deer fly diplopod dobson fly dog dragonfly drosophila dung beetle earwig ephemerid firefly flea fly gadfly glowworm gnat grain weevil grasshopper harvestman hexapod hornet hound hyena jigger katydid kissing bug lacewing lady beetle ladybird ladybug lantern fly larva locust louse maggot mantis mayfly mealworm midge millepede miller millipede mite mole cricket mongrel mosquito moth nymph pig polecat reptile rice weevil roach scarab scorpion serpent silverfish skunk snake spider springtail squash bug stag beetle stinkbug stone fly swine syrphus fly tarantula termite tick tiger moth tsetse fly tumblebug varmint vermin viper walkingstick wasp water bug weevil whelp wood tick worm yellow jacket |