Dictionary ( n.) Any one of numerous species of jumping marsupials of the family Macropodidae. They inhabit Australia, New Guinea, and adjacent islands, They have long and strong hind legs and a large tail, while the fore legs are comparatively short and feeble. The giant kangaroo (Macropus major) is the largest species, sometimes becoming twelve or fourteen feet in total length. The tree kangaroos, belonging to the genus Dendrolagus, live in trees; the rock kangaroos, of the genus Petrogale, inhabit rocky situations; and the brush kangaroos, of the genus Halmaturus, inhabit wooded districts. See Wallaby. Thesaurus Angora goat Arctic fox Belgian hare Caffre cat Indian buffalo Kodiak bear Virginia deer aardvark aardwolf alpaca anteater antelope antelope chipmunk aoudad apar armadillo ass aurochs badger bandicoot bassarisk bat bear beaver bettong binturong bison black bear black buck black cat black fox black sheep blue fox bobcat broad jumper brown bear brush deer brush wolf bucking bronco buckjumper buffalo buffalo wolf burro burro deer cachalot camel camelopard capybara carabao caribou carpincho cat cat-a-mountain catamount cattalo cavy chamois cheetah chevrotain chinchilla chipmunk cinnamon bear coon coon cat cotton mouse cotton rat cougar cow coyote coypu deer deer tiger dingo dog donkey dormouse dromedary echidna eland elephant elk ermine eyra fallow deer ferret field mouse fisher fitch flea flying phalanger foumart fox fox squirrel frog gazelle gemsbok genet giraffe glutton gnu gnu goat goat goat antelope gopher grasshopper grizzly bear ground squirrel groundhog guanaco guinea pig hamster hare harnessed antelope hartebeest hedgehog high jumper hippopotamus hog hopper horse hurdle racer hurdler hyena hyrax ibex jackal jackass jackrabbit jaguar jaguarundi jerboa jerboa kangaroo jumper jumping bean jumping jack kaama kangaroo mouse kangaroo rat karakul kinkajou kit fox koala lapin leaper lemming leopard leopard cat lion llama lynx mammoth mara marmot marten mastodon meerkat mink mole mongoose moose mouflon mountain goat mountain lion mountain sheep mouse mule mule deer muntjac musk deer musk hog musk-ox muskrat musquash nilgai nutria ocelot okapi onager oont opossum otter ounce ox pack rat painter panda pangolin panther peccary peludo phalanger pig pine mouse platypus pocket gopher pocket mouse pocket rat polar bear polar fox pole vaulter polecat porcupine possum pouched rat poyou prairie dog prairie wolf pronghorn puma rabbit raccoon rat red deer red squirrel reindeer rhinoceros roe roe deer roebuck sable salmon serval sheep shrew shrew mole sika silver fox skunk sloth snowshoe rabbit springbok squirrel stag stoat sunfisher suslik swamp rabbit swine takin tamandua tamarin tapir tarpan tatou tatou peba tatouay tiger tiger cat timber topper timber wolf tree shrew urus vaulter vole |