Dictionary 1. (a.) Practicing sound judgment; wise; prudent; sagacious; discreet\.2. (a.) of or relating to a court; judicial. Thesaurus astute aware bland canny careful cautious circumspect considerate considered critical deliberate diplomatic discerning discreet discriminating discriminative dispassionate enlightened equitable fair gentle gingerly guarded heedful hesitant insightful intelligent judgmatic judgmental judicative judicial judiciary juridic juristic leaving out nothing logical mild mild as milk mindful moderate noncommittal nonviolent objective on guard overlooking no possibility pacifistic pawky peaceable peaceful perceptive percipient perspicacious politic provident prudent prudential rational reasonable reflecting reflective regardful safe sage sane sapient sensible slow to act sober soft sound tactful tame temperate tentative thorough thoughtful unadventurous uncommunicative undaring unenterprising unprecipitate well-advised well-informed well-judged wise |