1. (superl.) Full of life and mirth; jovial; joyous; merry; mirthful.

2. (superl.) Expressing mirth, or inspiring it; exciting mirth and gayety.

3. (superl.) of fine appearance; handsome; excellent; lively; agreeable; pleasant.

Naval Reservist Royal Marine Seabee addled animated appease banter beery bemused besotted blandish blarney blind drunk blithe blithesome bluejacket boon boot butter butter up buxom cadet cajole carouse celebrate chaff cheerful cheery coltish convivial crapulent crapulous cut loose debauch deceive dizzy drenched drunk drunken exuberant far-gone festal festive flustered fool fou free and easy frisky frivolous frogman frolicsome full fun gala gay get around giddy gladsome gleeful glorious gob hail-fellow-well-met happy haze hearty hell around high-spirited hilarious hoax honey horse marine humor in liquor inebriate inebriated inebrious intoxicated jape jest jive jocose jocular jocund joke jollify josh jovial joyful joyous jubilant kid kid along lark laughter-loving lay it on let go let loose let off steam lighthearted make merry make whoopee marine maudlin mellow merry merrymaking midshipman midshipmite mirth-loving mirthful mischievous muddled nappy naval cadet navy man needle oil on the loose overdo it play up to playful put on rag raise hell rally razz reeling rejoicing revel rib ride risible roast roguish roister see life shikker skylark soap sodden soft-soap soften up sotted sportive spree step out string along stroke swabbie tease tiddly tipsy twit under the influence waggish wanton whoop it up


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