Dictionary 1. ( n.) The state or quality of being intense; intenseness; extreme degree; as, intensity of heat, cold, mental application, passion, etc. 2. (n.) The amount or degree of energy with which a force operates or a cause acts; effectiveness, as estimated by results produced. 3. (n.) The magnitude of a distributed force, as pressure, stress, weight, etc., per unit of surface, or of volume, as the case may be; as, the measure of the intensity of a total stress of forty pounds which is distributed uniformly over a surface of four square inches area is ten pounds per square inch. 4. (n.) The degree or depth of shade in a picture.
Thesaurus ASA scale British candle Hefner candle Scheiner scale Technicolor abandon acuteness ampleness amplitude animality ardency ardor atrocity barbarity bloodlust bougie decimale boundlessness bright color brightness brilliance brutality bulk candle candle lumen candle power candle-foot candle-hour candle-meter color colorfulness commitment committedness concentration crescendo decimal candle dedication demonic energy destructiveness devotedness devotion devoutness dynamism earnestness energy enormity enormousness ergal expanse exposure meter extremity faith faithfulness ferociousness fervency fervidness fervor fidelity fierceness fire flux focus foot-candle force forcefulness formidableness fullness furiousness gaiety gigantism gorgeousness grandeur grandness great scope greatness harshness heartiness heat heatedness hugeness immensity impassionedness impetuosity inclemency infinity inhumanity intentness international candle kinetic energy lamp-hour largeness light light meter light quantum loudishness loudness loyalty lumen lumen meter lumen-hour lumeter luminous flux luminous intensity luminous power lux magnitude malignity mercilessness might mightiness mindlessness muchness murderousness passion passionateness photon pitilessness plenitude potency potential energy power prodigiousness pure color quantum resolution richness rigor roughness saturation savagery seriousness severity sharpness sincerity sonority sonorousness spirit strength strenuousness stupendousness surge surge of sound swell swelling terrorism tremendousness ungentleness unit of flux unit of light vandalism vastness vehemence venom viciousness vigor violence virulence vitality vividness volume warmth zeal |