1. (n.) The step, or socket, in which the lower end of a millstone spindle runs.

2. (n.) A fluid, or a viscous material or preparation of various kinds (commonly black or colored), used in writing or printing.

3. (n.) A pigment. See India.

4. (v. t.) To put ink upon; to supply with ink; to blacken, color, or daub with ink.

autograph ballpoint pen bedarken besmirch black blackboard blacken blackwash blot blotch chalk charcoal coal cork crayon crow darken denigrate dinge ebon ebonize ebony eraser inkhorn inkstand inkwell invisible ink jet lead pencil melanize murk nib night nigrify oversmoke pen pitch plume quill raven reed shade shadow signature slate sloe smirch smoke smudge smut smutch soot stencil style stylograph stylus subscribe sympathetic ink table tablet tar


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