Dictionary 1. ( a.) Tending to inflame, kindle, or irritate. 2. (a.) Tending to excite anger, animosity, tumult, or sedition; seditious; as, inflammatory libels, writings, speeches, or publications. 3. (a.) Accompanied with, or tending to cause, preternatural heat and excitement of arterial action; as, an inflammatory disease.
Thesaurus agitating agitational agitative breathtaking charged cliff-hanging disquieting distracting disturbing electric enkindling exciting exhilarating explosive fervent fervid fiery fomenting frantic frenzied galvanic heady heart-expanding heart-stirring heart-swelling heart-thrilling impressive incendiary incentive inciting incitive inflaming inflammative instigating instigative insurgent intoxicating jarring jolting kindling lighting maddening mind-blowing moving mutinous overcoming overmastering overpowering overwhelming passionate perturbing piquant provocative provoking rabble-rousing rabid ravishing rebellious revolutionary riotous rousing seditionary seditious soul-stirring spirit-stirring stimulating stimulative stirring striking suspenseful suspensive tantalizing telling thrilling thrilly traitorous treacherous troubling unsettling upsetting |